Effect of Presence of Calf While Milking in Zebu and Exotic Crossbreds Cows

Effect of Presence of Calf While Milking in Zebu and Exotic Crossbreds Cows

An Indian tradition followed by farmers where calves are allowed to suckle while milking Indian breeds of cows. Research has proved that this practice has sound scientific basis.
Cow Housing

Cow Housing: Important to Ensure Cow Comfort, Optimum Fertility and Productivity

Cows are not human: Their skin, body temperature, and the way body heat is lost, is different from human. Cow skin thickness is around 6 mm as compared to 0.7...
How to Test Bulls and Cows for the Beta Casein Gene Variants

How to Test Bulls and Cows for the Beta Casein Gene Variants

There is increasing interest of consumers in A2 milk as it is considered to be safer than A1. Some basic about these two genes must be understood.
Use Semen from Disease-free and Progeny Tested Bulls for Artificial Insemination

Insist on Using Semen from Disease-free and Progeny Tested Bulls for Artificial Insemination

While breeding your cows employing artificial insemination technique, as a consumer it is your right to demand that semen from a disease-free and progeny tested bull be used.