Poison Toxin: Lantana Camara Poisoning in Cattle

Source: Toxin lantadene present in Lantana (banphul, panchphuli), a noxious weed distributed widely in tropical and subtropical regions.

Specific symptoms: Anorexia, photosensitisation, jaundice marked by yellowing of sclera and mucus membranes, yellow urine, photosensitive dermatitis (Five in order of primacy).

Complicated symptoms:  Severe depression, ruminal stasis, constipation followed by diarrhea, skin necrosis and sloughing, dehydration (Five in order of primacy).

Necropsy lesions:   Marked icterus, hydrothorax, ascites, yellowish brown to orange colored swollen liver, bilateral per-renal edema.

Samples for laboratory examination:   Whole blood (EDTA), serum, formalin fixed liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tract tissues, rumen content (frozen 100g).

Laboratory diagnosis (parameters):  Serum bilirubin, liver-specific enzymes (GGT, SDH, AST, ALT), serum protein profile, blood urea nitrogen, CBC.

Specific Treatment:

  1. Generic name of the drug: Activated charcoal (AC)

Dose rate:  1-5 mg/ Kg BW.  Slurry   prepared  in water (~ 1 g AC+ 5 ml water ) to be    given orally

Contraindication/ Precautions/ Drug interaction:   Should not be used with mineral oils and electrolyte solutions as these can reduce adsorptive capacity of AC. A gap of at least 3 hrs to be observed for giving any other therapeutic agent after AC dose

Side effects: Aspiration pneumonia may occur due to faulty administration of AC.  Some animals may show constipation and diarrhea

  1. Generic name of the drug: Magnesium sulphate

Dose rates: 200-500 mg/kg BW orally mixed in the AC slurry

Contraindication/ Precautions/ Drug interaction:   Should not be used in animals having diarrhea

Side effects: Not reported

Supportive treatment:

  1. Generic name of the drug: Chlorpheniramine maleate

Dose rates: 10-15 ml IM for 3-5 days

Contraindication/ Precautions/ Drug interaction: Contraindicated in hyperthyroidism cases

Side effects: Transient lethargy, somnolence and anorexia

  1. Generic name of the drug: Dextrose (50%)  parenteral solution

Dose rates: 1-4 ml/kg bw (0.1-0.2 g /kg bw / hr) IV SOS

Contraindication/ Precautions/ Drug interaction:  Contraindicated in hyperglycemic patients

Side effects: Continuous administration in higher dose (0.3 g/ kg/hr) may induce hyperglycemia, hypophosphatemia. Intravenous dextrose infusion causes transient decrease in plasma potassium concentration, decreased dry matter intake and a transient increase followed by a sustained decrease in milk production in lactating cows

  1. Generic name of the drug: Vitamin B 12 Complex

Dose rates: 1000- 2000 mcg  IM  on alternate day X  5  (commercial preparations containing thiamine HCL,  riboflavin, niacinamide,  vitamin B12 and crude liver extract are used @10 ml IM on alternate days )

Contraindication/ Precautions/ Drug interaction:  Not reported in farm animal

Side effects: Not reported in fram animals

Contraindication:  Should not be used together with CNS depressants and other interactive drugs

Side effects: Occasionally contradictory signs of CNS stimulation

Any Other recommendation/ comment: 

  1. Immediately remove all animals from source of poisoning and those affected from sunlight
  2. Choice of fluid therapy depends on clinical assessment of the patients. Isotonic saline solution @2-5 ml/ kg IV and Ringer’s lactated solutions @1-4 ml/kg bw have also been used effectively for management of fluid loss in poisoned animals
  3. Suitable Topical preparations containing essential fatty acids/antiseptic can be used to treat skin lesions
  4. Depending on the clinical status of the animals, antibiotics/NSAIDs/ corticosteroids can be administered parenterally and adequate doses maintained. In severe cases antibiotics should be used as prophylactic therapy to avoid septicaemia
  5. Rumenotomy may be performed to remove ingested lantana plant

Dr. Devendra Swarup

BVSc & AH, MVSC (Vet Med), PhD
Former Director, ICAR-CIRG and Head Division of Medicine, ICAR- IVRI