IndianCattle Invites You to 8th DAIRY FEST 2019 at Lucknow from 7-9 November
Exhibition on Dairy Farming, Animal Husbandry, Milk Processing, Packaging and other machinery & technologies: 7-8-9 November 2019, Lucknow (INDIA)
WWW.INDIANCATTLE.COM is pleased to announce its association as ‘ONLINE MEDIA PARTNER’ in 8th Edition of DAIRY FEST 2019 exhibition to be held at Lucknow from 7-8-9 November 2019. It is an exhibition on dairy farming, animal husbandry, milk processing, packaging and other machinery & technologies. Like previous years, to keep the complete agri-business sectors under one roof, they are concurrently conducting 8th Editions of AGRI FEST, POULTRY FEST & FOOD FEST. As the exhibition is growing in terms of number of exhibitors, visitors and foreign participation, participation in DAIRY FEST 2019 can be beneficial to companies for forging new partnerships, meeting fresh customers and creating distribution network in one of the largest state in India.
India is the largest consumer & producer of dairy products. Though, Uttar Pradesh (UP) is the leader in India in both milk production and consumption but with the growing population the demand for milk & milk products is ever increasing. With Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Yogi Adityanath’s initiative in mobilising large investments in the state by his visionary INVESTOR’s SUMMIT, DAIRY FEST is just pushing the momentum for the continued growth and investment particularly in agri-business sector. Their continued efforts since 2012 have already made a powerful impact to the lives of thousands of dairy farmers and agri-business entrepreneurs. The previous SEVEN editions were successful in establishing a platform for the farmers & other stakeholders of the state.