Type: Government Offices
Address: Krishi Vigyan Kendra , Kolabhagom (P.O), Thadiyoor, Tiruvalla
District: Pathanamthitta
State: Kerala
Pin Code: 689545
Mobile 1: +91- 9847298918
Mobile 2: +91- 9447139300
Landline 1: 0469- 2753382
Landline 2: 0469- 2662094
Landline 3: 0469- 2753383
Personal Email: robertcp123@rediffmail.com
Professional Email: cardkvk@yahoo.com
Working Time: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Holidays: Sunday
Special work related to Zebu: Training
Website: http://www.icar.org.in/files/KVK-Telephone-Directory.pdf